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The Well Man's Podcast

Aug 29, 2018

    Start your food based supplement education here! Learn what separates food-based supplements versus traditional supplements. How you go from carrot to powerful vitamin and supplement and much more in this episode. Thanks for the education James!



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Aug 22, 2018

Start your education on the neurological disorder, Parkinson’s Disease here. Learn about traditional treatments, ways to decrease the progression of the disorder, and much more in this information-packed episode.

You can subscribe on iTunes, via an RSS feed, and by joining our Facebook group. Just search The Well...

Aug 15, 2018

Dr.  Brianne Showman Brown has been a licensed physical therapist since 2006.  Since that time, she has been helping active adults and athletes get to peak health and performance. Today she joins us to improve our deadlift with proper alignment, pro tips, and much more.

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Aug 8, 2018

The Well Man’s Podcast has your back! Create a strong core that thwarts back pain and treats back pain with the information in this episode!


You can subscribe on iTunes, via an RSS feed, and by joining our Facebook group. Just search The Well Man's Podcast and you'll find our page. We'd love to hear what topics and...

Aug 1, 2018

Learn more about what can cause a gout attack, how to treat them, and more in this episode that covers gout in great detail.

You can subscribe on iTunes, via an RSS feed, and by joining our Facebook group. Just search The Well Man's Podcast and you'll find our page. We'd love to hear what topics and discussions you'd...